Audio Works is a brick and mortar located in the heart of Newark Delaware. We specialize in all your automotive accessory needs since 1998. We have 7 full time employees and a 7000 square foot facility to accommodate all types of vehicles both small and large. We also do on site installations up to a 50 mile radius this includes boats/motor homes/and anything in between.
Audio Works
280 East Main Street
Newark DE 19711
Request a Quote
General Install or Repair Quote38 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Hitch13 successful jobs through etrailer
Custom Fit Vehicle Wiring9 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Brake Controller8 successful jobs through etrailer
Ladder Racks3 successful jobs through etrailer
Roof Rack2 successful jobs through etrailer
Electric Winch1 successful jobs through etrailer
Hitch Bike Racks1 successful jobs through etrailer