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Audio Works
280 E Main St, Newark, DE, 19711-7311
What We Offer
Audio Works is a brick and mortar located in the heart of Newark Delaware. We specialize in all your automotive accessory needs since 1998. We have 7 full time employees and a 7000 square foot facility to accommodate all types of vehicles both small and large. We also do on site installations up to a 50 mile radius this includes boats/motor homes/and anything in between. 302-453-0730 Audio Works 280 East Main Street Newark DE 19711
Request a Quote
General Install or Repair Quote 38 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Hitch 13 successful jobs through etrailer
Custom Fit Vehicle Wiring 9 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Brake Controller 8 successful jobs through etrailer
Ladder Racks 3 successful jobs through etrailer
Roof Rack 2 successful jobs through etrailer
Electric Winch 1 successful jobs through etrailer
Hitch Bike Racks 1 successful jobs through etrailer
Vehicle Lights 1 successful jobs through etrailer
Ratings & Reviews
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Request a Quote
General Install or Repair Quote 38 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Hitch 13 successful jobs through etrailer
Custom Fit Vehicle Wiring 9 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Brake Controller 8 successful jobs through etrailer
Ladder Racks 3 successful jobs through etrailer
Roof Rack 2 successful jobs through etrailer
Electric Winch 1 successful jobs through etrailer
Hitch Bike Racks 1 successful jobs through etrailer
Vehicle Lights 1 successful jobs through etrailer