Franklin Automotive has been serving Kannapolis for years with expert hitch and towing services. Located near South Cannon Blvd and I-85, Joe and the team ensure every visit is smooth, helping you hit the road with confidence and local charm.
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General Install or Repair Quote134 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Wiring27 successful jobs through etrailer
Flat Tow Wiring Harness18 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Brake Controller16 successful jobs through etrailer
Flat Tow Brake System13 successful jobs through etrailer
Air Bag Compressor Kit11 successful jobs through etrailer
Tow Bar Base Plate10 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Hitch10 successful jobs through etrailer
Custom Fit Vehicle Wiring9 successful jobs through etrailer
Vehicle Suspension6 successful jobs through etrailer
Tow Bar5 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Breakaway Kit3 successful jobs through etrailer
Hitch Adapters2 successful jobs through etrailer
Roof Rack2 successful jobs through etrailer
Gooseneck Hitch1 successful jobs through etrailer
Trailer Hitch Ball1 successful jobs through etrailer