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How to Tighten Nut on Ball for Swagman Towing Bike Carrier 64675  


I have a 2003 Trailblazer and a 1984 Jayco pop up camper 1,500#? with an a-frame tongue - with NO propane tank. I also own the swagman standard 4 bike folding bike rack. Im wondering if I can use this bike rack to pull our camper, and also - what is the trick to tightening the nut attaching the ball to the bike rack? The tube is too small for us to work any of our wrenches or ratchets in there. Please help us - I cant return the rack!


Expert Reply:

There are a couple of options on tightening the nut on a ball installed at the end of Swagman towing bike carrier # S64675. First, if the nut is the same width as the opening at the end of the carrier then the walls of the shank will prevent the nut from turning. The ball would have to have wrench flats to turn it.

The second option is a ball that has a long enough shank to go all the way through the bike carrier shank to thread on the nut on the outside of carrier. Ball # 19254 for example has a shank that is 3-3/8 inches long.

Be sure to check the instructions for the bike carry for the amount of torque to apply to the ball nut.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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