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Is a 7-Way Connector Required on a Vehicle to Tow a Trailer with a 7-Way Connector  


My popup trailer has a a 7 pin connector. Will the 4 pin conversion package work with the 7 pin connector. If I have the conversion plug. Or is it best to get the 7 pin conversion package?


Expert Reply:

You can use a 4-Way to 7-Way adapter, such as # 37185 but if you only connect the white ground wire then only the lighting functions will work on the trailer.

If the trailer does need to have the 12 volt and electric brake circuits functional then it would be best to install a 7-Way using the # ETBC7 kit. If the vehicle does not already have a 4-Way trailer connector you would need to install one first in order to install the ETBC7.

And if a brake controller is needed I recommend the P2, # 90885 because it is easy to set up and use and it is reliable. I have included some links that show and explain the ETBC7 installation.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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