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Why Cant a Spare Tire Bike Rack Be Used on 5th Wheel  


I would like to use the Yakima Spare Tire 2 Bike on my 5th wheel rear spare tire why is that not possible


Expert Reply:

Because the suspension of a fifth wheel is stiffer than a passenger vehicle, and because the rear overhang (distance between rear axle and rear bumper) is longer than what's found on a passenger vehicle. Because of this, anything mounted on the rear of a fifth wheel will be exposed to much more bouncing and jarring than something installed on rear of a passenger vehicle. Remember how bouncy it was sitting in the back seat of the school bus? Same principle.

The spare tire bike racks we offer aren't designed to withstand that kind of stress. Using the Yakima # Y02599 Spare Time or the Thule Spare Time # TH963PRO would result in the racks being damaged and possibly breaking loose from the fifth wheel. Not a good thing.

If your rear bumper is constructed of 4 inch continuously welded square steel tubing, you can use the Swagman # S80501 which is specifically designed to fit around a rear mounted spare tire.

If your fifth wheel has a ladder mounted to the back, you can use a ladder mounted bike rack like the Stromberg Carlson # LA-102.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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