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Fit of 61 Inch Wide Softride Shuttle Pad # SR16457 on 2015 Nissan Frontier and 2002 Toyota Tundra  


I own a 2002 tundra and a friend has a 2015 frontier . if I get a softride that fits the tundra can it be used on the frontier even though its a bigger size.


Expert Reply:

The recommended Softride # SR26457 Shuttle Pad for your Tundra is 61 inches wide, while the # SR26461 which would be recommended for a mid-sized pickup like the Frontier is 54 inches wide.

You could measure the distance between the two bed sides on the Frontier, but it's not likely that the # SR26457 would fit. If you were to get the narrower # SR26461, you'd be able to use the Shuttle Pad on both trucks. Either size pad can carry up to 6 bikes.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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