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Recommended Bike Carrier For Platform On Tandem Tow Dolly  


We need a bike rack for two bikes. They will be mounted on the front flat platform of our tandem tow dollie. The tow dollie carries the two front tires of our Prius. On the platform in front of the Prius front bumper our Goldwing motorcycle sits crosswise and there is room for our two bicycles if they can be mounted to the floor of the platform. The bolt-ons I find on your sight seem to be mounted to the side wall/side rail of a truck rather than the floor.


Helpful Expert Reply:

If you have access to the underside of the platform I have a solution for you.

I recommend the Bike Rack Adapter for Stromberg Carlson, part # CC-125. Installing these bike carriers would require you drilling through the floor and securing the racks in place. You would need to know the distance you need to place the holders as they are not adjustable when installed.

There are 4 hoops in this system, 2 for each bike. They are typically installed on a cargo basket but as I stated could be used on your platform if you have access and can attach them secure enough.

There are 2 nylon tie-downs included but if those are not enough to keep the bikes from moving around you may want to consider installing eye-bolts on the floor as well and use the tie-down straps to hold the bikes secure when traveling.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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