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Recommended 1200 lb Fulton Swivel Jack for Utility Trailer  


I need advice about which product to get: Im looking to add a Fulton swivel trailer jack with wheel to my utility trailer. Doesnt need to be more than 1200 pound capacity. My a frame tongue is made of angular steel, with the horizontal section on top, and the vertical section running along the outside of the A frame. Which Fulton swivel trailer jack with wheel is appropriate for this type of tongue. Thanks!


Expert Reply:

Are you speaking of an angle-iron type frame, or a C-channel?

The Fulton # FTJ120W0301 you referred to which is a weld-on application would be an excellent choice. A bolt-on version is available, part # FTJ12000101. Both jacks are identical except for the way they'd mount to the trailer.

If you have an angle iron frame and not the C-channel, I wouldn't use the bolt-on version without boxing out the spot on the trailer frame where you're wanting to install the jack. A piece of square tubing could be used to box out the frame, but the tubing would need to be tack welded into place.

I've linked you to product description videos for the jacks I recommended.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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