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Distance from Center of Fixed Mounting Point to Ends of Rocky Mounts Brass Knuckles Bike Carrier  


Hi, What are the dimensions from the center line of the fixed front mounting point to the tip of the front and rear tray end caps? I ask because the top spoiler on my hatch-backs rear door tends to hit a lot of bike carriers when it is in the full open position. And with some models, even if the spoiler doesnt hit the carrier, it will hit the wheel of the bike when in the carrier. I currently have Yakima High Rollers, but even with those I had to drill new mounting holes in the front plate and move the carriers forward an inch to avoid all contact. However, the High Rollers can not carry fat bikes, so that is why Im looking into replacing them with the RockyMounts BrassKnuckles. My car: 2011 Subaru Impreza WRX 5 door w/ OEM roof racks. Thanks for any information you can provide.


Expert Reply:

I went out to the warehouse and pulled a Rock Mounts Brass Knuckles bike carrier # RKY1201 and assembled it to measure it for you. From the center of the fixed front mounting point to the nearest end of the carrier it is 18 inches. And from the center of the fixed mounting point to the far end is 45-1/4 inches.

To use this bike carrier with a fat bike you will also need the Fattie adapter, # RKY1240, which comes with a larger wheel cradle and longer straps for the large fat bike tires.

expert reply by:
Michael H
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Do you have the measurement from the center of the fixed front mounting point to the top of the arm when it is folded down?

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