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Can Shank Of B & W Pintle Hook System Be Used With 3-Ball Mount Of B & W System  


Hello, I have been very interested in this hitch for a long time now. Its just that I have a stock half ton. Is there a way to use the frame from the tow and stow that goes 3id with the pintle and ball?


Helpful Expert Reply:

It sounds like you want to be able to use the pintle hook mount of the # BWTS10056 with the 3-ball mount that is included with the Tow & Stow, like part # BWTS10048B.

I called my contact at B&W and they told me the shank and mount included with the BWTS10056 has a much higher capacity than the BWTS10048B, and they do not recommend using either part with the other system. The 2-5/16 inch ball on the BWTS10048B is the highest rated part of the system but it is not recommended they be used together.

If you are asking about something different just let me know and I will be happy to see if we can answer any of your questions.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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