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Troubleshooting Surge Brakes Locking up When in Reverse  


surge brakes lock in reverse and will not apply going forward


Expert Reply:

With surge brakes, you have a brake actuator applying the needed pressure to the brakes but to be able to back up you will need to have a manual lockout or an electric lockout solenoid, like # T4748800, which will close when you shift the vehicle into reverse, allowing the trailer to be backed up.

You may also need a solenoid cover like the Titan # T4835800183, depending on what brake actuator you currently have.

Typically surge brakes are found on boat trailers, and commonly the trailer ends up being to light after the boat has been launched for the brakes to actuate properly when going forward. The fact that the brakes lock up in reverse makes me think they work, but a change in the weight of the trailer can prevent them from working properly under normal operation. If you could provide me with some more information about your setup, I would be more than happy to further troubleshoot this issue with you.

expert reply by:
Jackie C
Keith M. profile picture

Keith M.


Hi. I just returned from a 150 roundtrip pulling my Shorelander boat trailer. When I tried to back up my trailer into my driveway, the surge brakes locked up and I had to use the mechanical bypass clip to get the rig to back up. The electrical connection is plugged in and I do have full lights to the trailer, but apparently the electrical surge bypass isn't working. Does it sound like the reverse solenoid needs to be replaced? Any other ideas?

JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@KeithM It could be that, yes. The best place to start though is making sure the reverse circuit on your vehicle 5-Way is sending a signal. Then you can use a circuit tester # PTW2992 to verify that power is actually getting to the actuator. If you have power getting to it then yes, I would say the electrical bypass isn't working and you'd need to replace the solenoid. Let me know what coupler you have and I can see if we have a replacement solenoid for you (granted that we carry the brand).

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