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Recommended Roof Rack For 2013 GMC Sierra Cap With Thule Tracks  


I have permanent tracks on my trucks cap will the areo rails fit in that type of track Permanent thule tracks


Expert Reply:

It looks like you have the Thule track system on the cap in your Sierra truck bed. The Whispbar roof rack you asked about are not designed to fit the Thule tracks but we do have some options that will work.

Since you asked about the Aero shape system I recommend the Thule Podium Foot Packs, part # TH460R. You will also need a fit kit, part # THKIT3101.

The next thing you will want to know is the length of the load bars you need. For example, if you need a 47 inch long crossbar then you could use part # TH711200.

I have attached a link to our product page for the crossbars we offer. You can use the filter on the page to select the right length crossbar for your Sierra.

If you are asking about a roof rack for the cab of your truck just let me know what style cab you have and I can make some recommendations that will work for you.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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