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Why Does Use of Hitch Adapter/Extender Reduce Hitch Tongue Weight and Trailer Weight Ratings  


Re hitch extension - video states extension reduces capacity by 50. 1/ In what way? we measure by tow weight but also tow ball weight. Thats the downward weight in the tow ball itself. 2/ This is what I an enquiring about. Thanks.


Expert Reply:

Any type of hitch adapter or extender will have the unavoidable side-effect of causing a loss of about half of your hitch's rated capacity, both its tongue weight (TW) and it's gross towing weight (GTW). Hidden Hitch extender # HE18 and Curt Hitch Extender # C45791 both cause a loss of capacity because they change the geometry of the hitch set-up. The added length of the adapter will allow greater leverage to be applied to the hitch tube by the attached trailer or accessory; this is what causes the loss of capacity.

A hitch reducer sleeve such as Curt Reducer Sleeve # C45405, which fits into a 2-1/2-inch hitch to reduce it's receiver opening to a 2-inch size, is the only type of adapter that does NOT cause a loss of hitch capacity because it does not alter the distance/geometry of the hitch tube.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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