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How to Determine Correct Replacement Vent Lids for Pace American Trailers  


Hello, I have 2 trailers that both need a new dome cover. Both are Pace American. One is 16foot Journey the other 12inch Cargosport. Both domes measure 14 1/4 x 14 1/4 with the single slide hinge. Do you have the replacements for this?


Expert Reply:

There are three possibilities for a replacement and one is no longer available. If the continuous hinge on the damaged cover is metal, and the lever used to operate the lid is in the center of the vent instead of along the edge, you'd use the # BV0554-01 for white or # BV0554-03 for smoke.

If the hinge on the lid itself is plastic, but the hinge on the vent itself uses 3 metal clips to retain the lid, use # BVD0449-A01 for white or # BVD0449-A03 for smoke.

If the hinge is metal, and the lever is along the edge of the vent rather than in the middle, we no longer carry a lid that fits.

Unfortunately, I don't have reference material that would tell me which parts were originally used on your trailer, but the replacement should fall into one of the three categories I mentioned above.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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