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Can an Lighted LED Hitch Cover be Converted to a Tailgate Emblem on a Dodge Ram  


Can I makethe cr007d work on my tailgate instead of the hitch? Was given to me as a gift from Walmart Ill only get $10 for if I return it. So itll be mainly the wiring length that can be issue I assume right, but I can splice each invidually with correct grade wiring to extend them and then reconnect the hitch plug part and ad some 3m tape?


Expert Reply:

What you have described regarding your # CR-007D would work but instead of splicing in more wire you could just use a 4-Way extension such as # HM48145 which is 12 inches or # HM47115 which is 48 inches. The longer one would give you more options for routing the wiring. Keep in mind that the hitch cover was not designed for this purpose so any warranty it has will be void.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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