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How Much Fluid Will I Need For My Vehicle After Installing A Transmission Cooler?  


I want to add a transmission cooler to my 2011 Chevy Tahoe. I see you have a video detailing how to install one of these on a Suburban. The only thing that wasnt noted was if more transmission fluid needs to be added after installation, and how much if so. This is something that I will add very soon and I would like this information. Thank you for your help and information.


Expert Reply:

We recommend to check your transmission fluid with your dip stick after installation of the cooler, typically you will need less than 1 pint-quart of fluid to fill the amount of fluid that was displaced.

You can try to prefill the transmission cooler but this tends to get messy quick. Due to so many different sizes of coolers we cannot tell you exactly how much fluid will be displaced by the cooler and lines, but it will take more fluid to fill the lines then that cooler can hold.

Pan coolers will tell you how much fluid is needed.

The Derale Transmission Cooler # D13503 you were looking at would be a good cooler for your 2011 Chevy Tahoe if you have the room for it, I have attached the dimensions for your convenience. You will also need the use of the Snap-In adapter fitting # D13035 that is made specifically for GM vehicles.

expert reply by:
Jackie C
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