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Pewag Tire Chain to Fit Tire Sizes 265/70R16 245/75R16 and PWE2221S  


Hi, I am interested in the Pewag Tire Chains - PWE2441S. I would like to be able to use them potentially on 3 different vehicles with the following tire sizes: 1 2003 toyota tundra P265 70 R16. 2 2002 Ford E350 van P245 75 R16 3 2014 toyota 4Runner P265 70 R17 I really want to buy a pair of Peweg chains because of the quality and longevitiy. I dont see all of these tire sizes listed, and I wanted to check on this before I invest so much money in a set of chains. Thank you very much for your help


Expert Reply:

The Pewag Chains part # PWE2441S are a confirmed fit for the first size you listed of 265/70R16 but that's the only one.

The other tire sizes would require different chains.

For the size 245/75R16 you would need the part # PWE2221S for the correct size chains for the tire size and then for the 265/70R17 you would need # PWE2439S.

Pewag makes great tire chains so all of these would work well for you.

You would need to check the owners manual of your vehicle to determine if there are any tire chain restrictions.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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