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Differences Between Available Roadmaster Tow Bar Covers  


hi! Dennis over here! you answered my question regarding the cover that would do the job for covering my car side brackets and cross bar when the tow bar is diconnected, but does the cover no RM-052-3 will do the same job? It seems so , cause a friend of mine as a 052-3, and it covers perfectly the brackets, and the cross bar of his falcon 2 type of tow bar! I know you suggested me the no 105 model, but can you certify me that the rm-052-3 will do the job also?


Expert Reply:

The best cover for your needs will depend on which tow bar you have.

If you have a Roadmaster Stowmaster Tow bar like part # RM-501 that folds up and stores on the front of the towed vehicle rather than up against the back of the RV, the # RM-052-3 you mentioned would work great for you.

The # RM-105 you referred to is designed to cover the base plates and crossbar that remains on the towed vehicle after a motorhome mounted tow bar like the Falcon # RM-520 tow bar is disconnected.

While the motorhome mounted tow bar is tilted up into its storage position at the rear of the motorhome, you can use a cover like # RM-055-3.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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