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Connecting 12 Volt Power From RV to Battery on 2010 GMC Sierra through 7-Way to 6-Way Cable  


are there any instructions on how to connect power to battery of the GMC Acadia from the 6-way, round plug on part # RM-146-7 ?


Expert Reply:

I can explain how to attach a wire from the 6-Way connector in Roadmaser kit # RM-146-7 to the battery on your 2010 GMC Acadia. The center pin on the 6-Way is the 12 volt circuit. Attach one end of a wire to the back of that 6-Way, center pin.

Then route the wire in such a way that it does not make contact with any hot or moving parts under the hood. Route the wire over to the positive battery terminal and attach it to a free stud with a ring terminal.

For wire you can use # 12-1-1, sold by the foot. For ring terminals there are different sizes depending on what you need. That is why I usually recommend a wiring kit such as # HM51020. It comes with different sized ring terminals and other parts you may need to perform this installation.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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