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Why Can't You Back Up with Curt Weight Distribution System Installed  


Looking to purchase Curt Weight Distribution Hitch 17422. Why do they state cannot back up with this Hitchinch ?


Expert Reply:

You can back up a trailer with a weight distribution system installed on as long as you don't end up in too tight of a turn. This is especially true with the Curt Weight Distribution System part # C17422 as it has a friction sway control system as well. If you are backing up basically in a straight line you would be fine, but if you think you are going to get into a tight turn you would need to disconnect the spring bars and the friction sway control system.

If you kept the unit installed while jackknifing the trailer you would end up bending the friction sway control first and then the spring bars or head of the system would get damaged. This is due to the fact that the system is not designed to pivot that far.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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