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Does 3000-Tongue Weight Capacity On TorkLift SuperHitch Require Both Receiver Openings  


The 3000 lb tongue weight rating, is this rating while using both receiver tubes at the same time? Or is the new additional receiver tube rated at the 3000 lb rating with a distributing hitch of course by itself? My situation is that the OEM receiver is rated at 1800lb/18,000lbs and the tongue weight on my new toy hauler WITHOUT TOYS in the back is 2330 lbs. With the weight distribution hitch in place I may be OK, but not for sure. With the quads in the back my hitch weight will be better, but I wont always have the toys in, so I have to be rated for that. 2014 RAM 3500 DRW, Hellwig big wig sway bar 4x4 w/factory hitch. Underslung rear leaf spring mount.would consider the Resse unit if it wasnt for the rear leaf mount issue


Expert Reply:

I called my contact at TorkLift and asked about the tongue weight for their SuperHitch Magnum Trailer Hitch Receiver, part # TLD1108-30. The overall weight capacity and tongue weight capacity is for the entire hitch and not just one receiver. To be able to get to the 3000-lb tongue weight capacity would require both receiver openings.

The only weight distribution system we offer that can handle 3000-lbs tongue weight is the TorkLift SuperHitch Everest, part # TLWD1000. Using this system requires the dual receiver shank, part # TLM9010, or the extra-long dual receiver shank, part # TLM9011.

The hitch ball you would need is part # C40085.

You will want to make sure you do not exceed the towing capacity of your truck regardless of the capacity of any of the towing setup.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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