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Rise or Drop of Ball Mount Needed for 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan  


1. What is the rise or spec and pin to ball spec for a 2016 AVP caravan? 2. Which ball mount is best and least costly for same car?


Expert Reply:

There is no specific 'best' rise or length of ball mount for a given vehicle. Since the hitch and coupler height of every vehicle and every trailer is different, you'll need to take some measurements.

To determine the rise/drop of ball mount needed, you'd want to measure the distance from the inside top of the hitch receiver tube to the ground. Then with the trailer level, measure the distance from the underside of the trailer coupler to the ground. The difference between the measurements is the rise/drop needed. If the hitch is higher than the coupler, you'll need a drop. If the coupler is higher than the hitch, you'll need a rise. I'll link you to an FAQ article that explains exactly how to take the measurements.

If you'll be towing a few different trailers, using an adjustable ball mount like the Convert-a-Ball # TK5007 would make sense. This is one of the most reasonably priced adjustable ball mounts we offer. If you're only towing one trailer, I'd recommend getting a fixed ball mount with the proper rise or drop.

When we installed the Draw-Tite Class III receiver, part # 75579 on a 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan, we found that the distance between the inside top of the receiver tube and the ground was almost 13 inches. Since the average trailer coupler height is 17 or 18 inches, you'll likely need a rise of about 4 to 5 inches, but go ahead and take the measurements because you'll want to be as close as possible.

I'll link you to our selection of ball mounts for 2 inch receivers. On the left side of the page is a series of filters you can click to narrow the results. Scroll down until you find the correct rise. You might not find the exact rise you need, but as long as you're within an inch or so of level, you'll be fine. You'll want to be sure to choose a trailer ball of the correct diameter for your trailer coupler (1-7/8, 2 or 2-5/16 inch). The diameter of the threaded shank used to attach the ball to the ball mount should match the diameter of the hole in the ball mount, and the capacity of the ball and ball mount should exceed the fully loaded weight of the trailer you're wanting to tow.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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