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Curt Short-Arm VS Regular Weight Distribution System Spring Bar Length  


I ordered the Curt Short-Arm Weight Distribution System with Shank - Trunnion Bar - 15,000 lbs GTW, 1,500 lbs TWinch because i have a short tongue on my trailer. In the description it has the same length trunion bars as the standard length model. Why is is called short arminch if not for the trunion bar length? The setup i received does not fit on my trailer. please help.


Expert Reply:

The standard spring bar length for Curt trunnion bar weight distribution systems is 30-5/8 inches. Anything that has 28-3/8 inch long bars is a short bar system even if it does not explicitly state it.

What you might be able to do is use chain hangers # C17005 in place of the brackets that mount on the trailer. These hangers will mount to the sides of the frame so provided that the sides of the frame are clear you can use these hangers.

The other option is to replace the system you have with a new one but in order to determine if that will work I will need to know how much space you have available on the frame. I assume it is less than what the short arm Curt systems are capable of but knowing the exact number will help.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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