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Can Brake Flanges be Welded to Torsion Axle  


Hello! I have a 2007 6x10 single axle Wells Cargo trailer I need to add electric brakes to. But, I have the torsion axel with no backing plate. What options do I have?


Expert Reply:

Torsion axles use internal rubber cords that make it tricky to weld them, such as for installation of a brake flange to let you install electric drum brakes on the axle. If your torsion axle happens to have drop spindles (rather than straight ones that line up with the axle beam) this helps a bit since the spindles will be further away from the rubber cords and the heat they pick up from welding will be less likely to damage the axle's internal parts. It is still a tricky process that I recommend be left to a trailer/welding professional.

Another option is to simply replace the torsion axle with a Timbren bolt-on axle-less suspension kit that includes brakes flanges, brakes and hubs. Two such 3500-lb-rated kits are shown on the linked page. Kit # A35RD545E includes 5-on-4-1/2 hubs and has 4-inch drop spindles for a low deck height; kit # A35RS545E has straight spindles.

You will also need a trailer brake controller like the terrific Prodigy P2 # 90885 that slows the trailer in direct proportion to the slowing of the tow vehicle. Controllers and the other items required for adding electric brakes to a trailer are outlined in the linked article.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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