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Recommendation for Cooling the Coolant and Transmission Fluid Temperature on a 2008 Chevy Avalanche  


Two things I dont like about my Chevy Avalanche 08, the temperature of the transmission and the radiator. What is a good solution to reduce these 2 temps. I use it to cross about 200 Klicks of sands every other weekend. Thanks


Expert Reply:

For the radiator coolant temperature, I recommend adding a supplemental fan or fans depending on how much space you have under the hood. There is no limit to the amount of fans you can have. A pusher fan, mounted in front of the radiator pushing air through it, would be the most efficient (provided that the factory fan is mounted on the same side and pushes air through in the same direction). A puller fan would be used on the other side of the radiator to pull air through. The largest electric system we have has an airflow of 4,000 cubic feet per minute, like # D16934.

You can also replace the factory belt driven fan with an all electric set up. I have included some FAQ articles below on fans in general, belt-driven fans, and electric fans.

For the transmission fluid, we have numerous options for coolers. Transmission coolers are not vehicle specific but the fittings are. You will have to make sure you get the correct fittings for your vehicle. If you have a 4.3L or 4.2 L engine, you will need fitting # D13018. For any other size engine, you will need fitting # D13035. The type cooler you choose will largely depend on where you can mount it.

There are 3 possible locations. In front of the air condition condenser for best efficiency. Directly in front of the radiator for second best efficiency. And behind the radiator for least amount efficiency. I have included a link below to an FAQ on transmission coolers along with a video showing a typical installation.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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