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Recommendation for a Secure Enclosed Cargo Carrier  


Hi, it seems like a small set of bolt cutters would easily afford access to the cargo contained in this carrier. How thick is the welded wire siding? the fully enclosed GearDeck 17 model seems slightly more secure in that way, but I don't like that I have to use a padlock to secure. Is that the case? do you have a recommendation on best security for enclosed hitch mount cargo carrier? I like the Yakima but not enough weight allowance. thank you


Expert Reply:

Given enough time and the proper tools any enclosed cargo carrier can be broken into. Locks can be drilled, bolts can be cut, mesh can be removed.

Realistically though a would-be thief will move on to an easier target if they encounter a lock. For an enclosed carrier I recommend the two you mentioned, the Yakima EVO and the Geardeck 17. I really like the Thule EVO # Y62VR the best. The EVO's swinging feature is a huge plus. I do understand that if the 100-pound capacity is not enough, then it will not work. In that case, I would go with the GearDeck 17 # H00604. These options may not have the most robust locks out there, but a completely enclosed box is less enticing than one with a mesh screen like # M2205-01-02.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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