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Using a Cargo Carrier and Towing a Trailer at the Same Time  


To you have a hitch mounted carrier offering loading ramp and a 500# capacity with the capability of installing a 2inch trailer hitch behind the carrier to tow a 3600# trailer? I would like to use it to carry a 300# generator and a couple fuel containers.


Expert Reply:

Trailer hitch mounted cargo carriers are not designed to have something attached to the back of them. The problem is that it would put tremendous stress on the hitch receiver and would damage it and the vehicle but I do have a possible solution for you.

You could potentially use # D210. The receiver part has a 350 pound capacity so the combined weight of the cargo carrier and cargo would have to be less than that. And the combined tongue weight of the trailer tongue weight and the cargo carrier and cargo cannot exceed 750 pounds. The problem is that many carriers would get in the way of the trailer coupler so this might not work for you.

Another option is to carry at least some of the items on the trailer using the trailer tray cargo carrier # CC-255. This fits on a trailer's A-frame and has a capacity of 300 pounds. I have linked videos of it and the D210 for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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