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How to Determine Bolt Pattern for a Replacement Trailer Wheel  


I need replace a tire and rim, but I dont know what the difference between a 5 on 4 1/2 inch and a 5 on 5 inch rim/hub is. the tire size is ST205/75D/LRC


Expert Reply:

A wheel's bolt pattern is measured by using the number of lugs and the diameter of the circle the lugs sit on. So a 5 on 4-1/2 wheel has a bolt pattern of 5 lugs that are spaced out evenly on a circle that has a 4-1/2 inch diameter, like # LHAW320. As well as a 5 on 5 wheel has 5 lugs space evenly on a circle that has a 5 inch diameter, like # AM3S638. You want to choose a replacement that has the same bolt pattern you currently have. I've attached a help article that helps you determine the bolt pattern you have by measuring.

Your current tire is a 205/75 bias tire with a load range C. You will be best off keeping the same size however the load range can be increased if you'd like but I don't suggest going any lower than C. The load range determines how much weight the tire can support.

You will also need the size of the rim itself. This will be on the tire somewhere and is likely 14 or 15 inches if you have 5 lugs.

One more thing I suggest is going with a radial tire. Right now you have a bias tire which is how the tire is constructed. Radial tires generally run cooler which is important because a tire's worst enemy is heat build up.

If you can get back with me with the diameter of your rim, your bolt pattern, and even a picture of the current rim so I can see what it looks like I'll be happy to recommend a specific product for you.

expert reply by:
Charles S

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