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Locking Hitch Pin and Anti-Rattle Device for a Solid Shank 2 Inch Hitch Accessory on 2016 Outlander  


anti-rattle locking hitch pin for non-hollow application Do you have the above pin that we can use on a solid core hitch adapter. We need to raise our tri-lift and the curt adapter works. However, the shaft is solid and cant use the hitch pin you in the unit for anti-rattle and locking pin. HELP! The adapter fits perfectly on our Mitsubitshi Outlander 2016 and does not interfere with the bumper. We have a Curt hitch and it does extend out enough to allow for the raised adapter. But we cant find an anti-rattle pin that works.


Helpful Expert Reply:

There isn't an anti-rattle locking hitch pin that works with a solid ball mount or other hitch accessory. You can use a regular hitch lock and then an anti-rattle device separately. For a lock for a 2 inch Class III trailer hitch you can use # e98880.

For an anti-rattle device you can use # RM-061 which reduces movement vertically. Or you could use # BX88224 which reduces movement vertically and horizontally. I have linked videos of both devices for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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