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Why Does 4-Way of 118449 Store Inside Vehicle  


RE: #118449Can the plug for the trailer lighting be mounted permanently on the hitch itself instead of having to hang the wiring over the rear bumper each time?


Expert Reply:

Having the 4-way of the # 118449 run out of the back hatch is actually the preferred method although it seems like it wouldn't be. Having the 4-way stored inside the cab it keeps it protected from rain and moisture to prevent corrosion and keeps it protected from damage to the wiring or connector by rocks or debris that might be on the highway.

You can run the wire through the vehicle if you wish but just keep in mind that this does take more time and you may end up needing additional wire because you will not be routing the wire in a straight line.

As far as mounting the 4-Way end under the vehicle, that, too, can be accomplished though there is some extra work involved and you may have to drill through the bottom of the vehicle. You would need to remove as much flooring as you can from the cargo area in the van, getting down to the bare metal. At this point you would need to locate a grommet or other opening through which you can route the wiring. However there is a good chance any grommet you find will not be large enough to accept the 4-Way.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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