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Recommended Least Expensive Brakes For 2000 lb 2-Jetski Trailer  


I am interested in adding brakes to my 2-jetski trailer that currently has no brakes. The maximum expected weight of the trailer loaded is 2000 lbs, and will obviously need to be backed into the water. Is a surge-type brake actuator for hydraulic brakes the only option? If not, what are other options? What is the least expensive option? BTW, the reason I am interested is that I would like to pull it with a 2013 Subaru Outback. This vehicle has a towing capacity of 2700 lbs if the trailer has brakes, but only 1000 lbs if it doesnt.


Helpful Expert Reply:

For your 2 jetski trailer, the least expensive way to add brakes is an electric brake. To do this, I recommend adding the Electric Trailer Brake Kit - 7" - Left and Right Hand Assemblies - 2,000 lbs # AKEBRK-2. This will mount to your axle flange using hardware # BRKH7. You will need a brake adjustment tool like # W80630 for this installation and maintenance.

For your hubs, if you have 4 on 4 inch bolt pattern wheels, you will need # 8-276-5. If you have 5 on 4-1/2 inch bolt pattern wheels, I recommend the Trailer Hub and Drum Assembly - 2,000-lb Axles - 7" Diameter - 5 on 4-1/2 - L44649 Bearings # AKHD-545-2-2K. Don't be thrown by the bearing sizes because these can be different between idler hubs and drum hubs.

For wiring, you can use # 10-2-1 sold by the foot to run your brake wires along with # DW05745-5. You can then use the Trailer Wiring 7-Way Upgrade Kit # HS381-9000. Electric brakes can be used on marine trailers, but I do suggest unplugging the connection when backing in and out of the water and reconnecting for driving. A little dielectric grease # 11755 will help keep your connections working nicely and keep some of the water from entering the connections.

If you don't have a 7 way on your 2013 Subaru Outback, I recommend using the wiring kit # ETBC7 and brake controller # 90195 to make this system functional.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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