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Installing Spindles on a Home Made Trailer without an Axle Tube  


hey is EZ Lube Spindle 2.25inch RD x 3inch STUB just welded to the frame of your trailer instead of having a long axle running across? My question is, so i dont need an axle to build a utility trailer and how good of a drive it would be without the springs down the road. and the other question is could i use it without using a break hub.


Expert Reply:

The EZ Lube Spindle # TRU37FR that you mentioned is to be welded onto an axle tube. If you were to install it directly to your trailer frame the capacity would be greatly reduced not to mention unknown. Also, the ride with no suspension would be extremely rough.

If you're looking for an option that doesn't require an axle tube we have the Timbren Axle-Less Suspension System # ASR5200S01. This has a 5,200 pound capacity, like the spindle you referenced when you use two of them. It does include brake flanges but you do not need to install brakes or drums but you do need the hubs.

expert reply by:
Charles S

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