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Does the Redarc BCDC Battery Charger # 331-BCDC1225D Come With A Solar Input  


Its confusion - you guys are showing two different photos for this item: one with the solar input and one without. Which is it?


Expert Reply:

The Redarc In-Vehicle BCDC Battery Charger # 331-BCDC1225D does come with an auxiliary input for connecting to a solar panel without the need for a regulator. I've attached a video to show you the installation and how this will be connected to the yellow wire for power input and then the solar panel will have it's own ground wire.

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Jeff D
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Tom T.


I think there is a LOT of confusion about these Redarc chargers that could be cleared up if someone (Redarc) would put together a comprehensive video. I am no electrical genius so I will not purport to have all the answers, But even with my limited experience & having read all the questions asked about these units, I feel there are some REAL BASIC answers that could be addressed if (someone) took the time to do it right. I'm not a YouTube video maker but I wish I was because when I watch & read some of the information and how it's presented I get a bit frustrated. I end up spending many hours to eventually learn something that (should have) been explainable in mere moments! PS: You don't need the EXPENSIVE Redarc fuse kit. These MIDI fuse holders can be found readily online from electric suppliers for less than 1/2 the cost!!

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