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Ball Mount and Ball Recommendation for a 2010 Ford Escape with Factory Trailer Hitch  


I just purchased a 2010 Ford Escape Limited with a trailer package hitch, tranny cooler, etc and I need to add a ball mount and ball. Is there a standard measurement in the mount that I get or is there a recommended one for standard towing, if there is such a thing?


Expert Reply:

If your 2010 Ford Escape came with a 2 inch trailer hitch receiver (measured internally) then you can use ball mount # C45010 with ball # 19260 (1-7/8 inch diameter), # 19247 (2 inch diameter), or # 63847 (2-5/16 inch diameter).

If the Escape came with a 1-1/4 inch trailer hitch (this is probably the case), you can use ball mount # 36051 with ball # 19256 (1-7/8 inch diameter) or # 19258 (2 inch diameter).

I have included a link to our FAQ article on choosing the correct ball mount. Usually for a Class I or II, 1-1/4 inch trailer hitch, there is a specific ball mount recommended by the hitch manufacturer. But if that information is not available, you can use our FAQ to find one that will work for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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