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Is a Battery Charger Included with the Break-Away Kit and Battery for Hydrastar XL  


in the hydrastar HBA-16 wiring diagram it indicates a charger located on the positive battery post. my question is, should there be a charger included with the cargo breakaway kit HBA-EBA or does the charger have to be purchased separately. I would think the charging of the breakaway battery would have to be regulated in some way if connected to the tow vehicle charging system.


Expert Reply:

The Cargo Towing Solutions Break-Away Kit and Battery for Hydrastar XL, # HBA-EBA, does not include a battery charger.

If battery is connected to the 12-volt auxiliary circuit in the 7-way, the battery might overcharge causing damage to the battery. There is no way to regulate the power on the 12-volt auxiliary circuit to the breakaway battery.

It is recommend instead to use a charger like the Trailer Breakaway Kit Battery Charger, # 20011. The kit is easy to install, black wire connects to the 12-volt auxiliary, red wire to breakaway battery, and the blue wire connects to the breakaway switch.

expert reply by:
Jared P

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