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Weight Distribution Recommendation for Camper Trailer that Weighs 2,700 lbs Dry  


Hi I need advice on weight distribution products. my camper trailer is 2700lbs dry and I use a 2inch ball. I pull with a 2017 dodge ram 6 cylnder quad cab express


Expert Reply:

The best way to pick out a weight distribution system is to base it off of the loaded tongue weight of the setup when it is loaded and ready to tow. This figure also includes the weight of any cargo behind the rear axle of the tow vehicle. I attached a help article on determining tongue weight for you to check out as well. You will want the loaded tongue weight of your setup to fall right in the middle of the tongue weight range of the system you use.

Typically a trailer's tongue weight is 10 15 percent of the total trailer weight. Yours being 2,700 lbs unloaded means that in that condition it would have a tongue weight of 270 to 405 lbs. If we add an additional 100 lbs for when the trailer is loaded a reasonably safe estimation would be 500 lbs. The Strait Line system part # RP66082 has a tongue weight range of 200-600 lbs so it's going to be your best option. It also features the only sway control on the market to work to fight sway before it starts.

For a 2 inch hitch ball you then would want the part # A-90 which would work well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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