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Locating Reverse Wire On 2015 Toyota Highlander When Installing Trailer Wiring Harness  


I have a 7 prong connector installed on my 2015 Toyota Hylander Limited. I purchased the 7 prong from Etrailer Item number 37185 but the reverse lights were not connected!! I would like to do it myself, but how do i connect the center wire for backup lights to the vehicle. your assistance is greatly appreciated!!


Expert Reply:

The easiest way to find the reverse wire circuit is to use a circuit tester like part # PTW2993.

If your back up light is a separate light at the rear of your Highlander, use the circuit tester to check the wire when the truck is in reverse. Have someone sit in the driver seat, set the emergency brake and put their foot on the brake pedal and then shift into reverse while you check the wires at the back of the light assembly for the backup light. When you find the wire that only shows current when the truck is placed in reverse, you can splice into that wire.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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