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Recommended Trailer Hitch Receiver and Other Parts to Tow a Trailer with a 2005 Nissan Quest  


hello I m just looking for a 2 inch hitch receiver for a nissan quest 2005 not a really heavy duty one thanks


Expert Reply:

The trailer hitch receiver I recommend for you 2005 Nissan Quest is the Curt # C13563. This is designed specifically for your van. I've linked an install video for you.

If you're going to be towing you'll also need a wiring harness. The # 118469 plugs into the connectors behind both tail lights. It'll provide you with a 4-way trailer connector. This install video is also attached.

You'll also need a ball mount and hitch ball. I've attached a link of our selection of ball mounts for a 2 inch hitch receiver as well as an article to help you determine the correct rise or drop you may need. Once you choose a ball mount you can then choose a hitch ball to fit it.

One way to make choosing a ball mount easier is to go with an adjustable ball mount like the B&W Tow & Stow # BWTS10038B. It features the ability to be flipped under the hitch when not using it and will provide up to 5-1/2 inches of rise or 5 inches of drop.

For a pin and clip to fit you can use # PC3 or if you'd like to have a locking pin you can use # BX8858.

I've also included links to some articles on towing that you might find helpful.

expert reply by:
Charles S

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