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Recommended Replacement Tire for Tow-Master F65-14ST Size Tires  


just purchased a 2005 Tahoe Q4 and trailer has Tow-Master F65-14ST tires and was wanting to find proper spare tire for it. It has 5 on 4-1/2 bolt pattern and the rim is 6 inches wide


Expert Reply:

The closest size tire that we have to the Tow-Master F65-14ST that you referenced is a size 205/75R14. Since these tires are not exactly the same size you will either need to find a direct Tow-Master F65-14ST for a spare or I recommend that you change all of your tires over to the size 205/75R14. Using a different tire is okay if you are only going a very very short distance to the repair shop for a new tire, but if you would have to drive very far it could become dangerous for everyone on the road as your trailer would not be level which could result in sway, plus it can cause overloading and/or overheating.

For replacement tires that are bias and have a load range of B (1,430 lbs at 35 psi) I recommend the Kenda Loadstar # AM3S360.

For a radial load range C (1,760 lbs at 90 psi) replacement I recommend the Taskmaster Provider # TTWA14RWS.

For a load range of D (2,200 lbs at 75 psi) we have the Kenda Karrier # AM32161.

All 3 of these options have a 5 on 4-1/2 bolt pattern. The Loadstar and the Contender have 6 inch wide rims but the Karrier has a 5-1/2 inch wide rim. That shouldn't really matter though since you will need to replace all of the tires to make them the same size, should you choose to go that route.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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