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Transmission Cooler Mounting and Routing Recommendations for a 1999 Chevy Suburban 1/2 ton  


I purchased a Derale #13504 transmission cooler and Im not sure whether I should replace the factory transmission cooler or add this one in addition to it. Right now the factory transmission cooler is on the right side of the condensor. If I mount this transmission cooler on the left side of the condensor, will the engine still be able to cool properly, or would I be better to replace the factory cooler so I am not restricting airflow to the engine?


Expert Reply:

I would recommend that you run both your factory transmission cooler and this Derale Transmission Cooler, part # D13504.

I would run the output line from the factory cooler to the input of the # D13504 and then the output back to the transmission. If you route the coolers in that order you will optimize the cooling efficiency of the coolers.

Most likely the motor of your 1999 Chevy Suburban would not run any hotter, but if it did you could experiment with different cooler locations till you find one that does not cover as much of the radiator.

Another option would be to have the transmission cooler mounted behind the radiator, this way air would still be drawn through the cooler but the radiator would get the air first. However, this will make the transmission cooler 40 percent less efficient than if it were mounted out front.

If none of those ideas will provide you with adequate cooling for your engine and transmission you could purchase a remote mount transmission cooler. These come with fans built into them that allow them to get optimum airflow regardless of where they are mounted. This way you could mount it out away from your engine allowing your engine to get max airflow. For a remote cooler I would recommend the Derale Atomic-Cool Remote Transmission Cooler, part # D15950.

I attached an FAQ page on transmission coolers and a video of one being installed on a vehicle for you to check out also.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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