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Replacement Race # L68110 Availability and Compatibility with the # L68149 Bearing  


Everything I read indicates that L68111 race is a compatible replacement to L68110. However, a simple measurement shows the difference in size and the L68111 that I received will not fit into my hub. Is there L68110 no longer in production? Why would do they believe these two are compatible when they are different sizes? Thanks.


Expert Reply:

The information I have indicates that the # L68149 bearing is compatible with a # L68110 race. The L68110 race is most commonly used in boat trailers and the # L68111 is most commonly used in land based trailers.

They both take the same bearing, # L68149, but use different seals and the installation surface on the hubs are different dimensions, as you have noted.

Most commonly the # L68110 race is associated with the # 168233 grease seal and the # L68111 race is most commonly associated with the 10-19 grease seal, # RG06-050, or the # 58846 grease seal.

This most likely explains the mis-information out there, and there are some custom applications that makes the mis-information seem more credible, so your best bet is to use a dial caliper and make sure the parts you purchase match the dimensions on your original parts.

expert reply by:
Bob G

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