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How Do I Know If I Have Free-Backing Brakes?  


How do I know if my trailer is equipped with free backing brakes? I need to replace the surge brake hitch the current hitch does have some sort of lever for backing only but never have used it.


Expert Reply:

Your trailer must have free backing brakes if you have never used the surge brake actuating coupler reverse lockout. If you did not have free backing brakes, your brakes would most likely brake even if they didn't lock up when you back up because of the trailer weight pushing against the hitch ball.

The only way to know for sure is to pull your hub/drum off the spindle and look at the hydraulic cylinder. Free-backing brakes like # AKFBBRK-7R-D will have only one pin coming out and it will be toward the front brake shoe. If it has a pin on each side, then it is not a free-backing assembly.

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Jason S
Gene G. profile picture

Gene G.


I have a ski nautique 1994 that needs, wheel bearings, seals, master cylinder, 2 1/4,x 10 inch shoes, wheel cylinders, the master cylinder is an attwood 171 if that helps. any chance I could get a quote on above for both left and right for one axle. thanks and a quote for disc brake conversion.

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


I would need to know what bearings are used in your existing hubs to make sure I recommend the right replacements. You can pull one of the hub assemblies and check for the bearing numbers, which should be stamped right inside the bearings themselves.

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