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Which Piano Hinge will Work the Best on a Trailers Ramp Extension  


Researching the price points, should I use a 2inch stainless or 3inch mild steel hinge for a ramp extension. Thank you.


Expert Reply:

Determining between piano hinges, # H300 3 Inch Wide Steel 6 Ft Long or # SH200 2 Inch Wide Stainless Steel Hinge 6 Ft Long, depends what features you find more important for your application.

The # H300 hinge will be stronger in that it is an inch wider than the # SH200. Plus, the extra width will allow for more surface area on the hinge to mount to the trailer making for a stronger hinge.

However, if weather conditions are a concern, the # SH200 is made of stainless steel. The stainless construction will help prevent rust and corrosion of the hinge making it more likely to last longer.

If you like both the extra width and stainless features, I recommend looking at # SH300. This hinge is 3 inches wide and constructed of stainless steel. The only negative issue with stainless is it is much more expensive than standard steel.

expert reply by:
Jared P

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