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Will a Resonated Exhaust Tip Change the Sound of my Exhaust  


Would getting. A. Bigger pipe help anything like from 2.25 to say 2.50 or even 3.0 help it in any way considering I dont have a catililonic converter and id start it from the down pipe an then straight back to the exaust considering I have a tuned ecu and a stage 1 chip and cold air intake that gets ait from the slott below the grill and bumper?


Helpful Expert Reply:

A resonated exhaust tip such as the Bully Round Resonated Bolt-on Exhaust Tip part # PM-5104 causes the air to vibrate a certain way in a hollow cavity which produces more of a crackle sound. Though the sound of your exhaust will change it will not be by much.

expert reply by:
Conner L
Aboone profile picture



Would getting. A. Bigger pipe help anything like from 2.25 to say 2.50 or even 3.0 help it in any way considering I dont have a catililonic converter and id start it from the down pipe an then straight back to the exaust considering I have a tuned ecu and a stage 1 chip and cold air intake that gets ait from the slott below the grill and bumper?

ConnerL profile picture

Conner L.


The exhaust tone that would result from using a larger diameter exhaust pipe again would not really increase sound. Another risk you run into when increasing the exhaust pipe diameter would be the loss of backpressure and since you have removed the catalytic converts, the risk of a backpressure error to appear is even more likely. The best way to change/increase the sound of your exhaust system would be through the use of a perfomance muffler. If you can confirm where the inlet and outlet ports are located on your muffler (Center/Offset) and the exhaust pipe diameter on your vehicle, I could then recommend a performance muffler for you.

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