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Parts to Convert Electric Brakes to Electric Over Hydraulic Brakes  


Hi , i have 2017 three axle Appalachian micro 4 car hauler trailer - i would like to change electrical brakes to electric over hydraulic brakes. 7000 lb axles and 16.5" is size of wheels


Expert Reply:

Converting from electric brakes to electric over hydraulic brakes will give you the most effective braking setup available. You are going to need a number of different parts, and the HydraStar Electric Over Hydraulic Actuator Kit # HBA-10-252-82 will give you an electric-hydraulic brake actuator, a brake line kit, and breakaway kit. Because you have a triple axle trailer, you are going to need an additional hydraulic line kit # 9579-01. If you are interested in a new brake controller, the Prodigy P3 # 90195 has been rated more than 2,000 times by our customers and has amassed an average of nearly 5 stars due to its effectiveness and ease of use.

You will also need new brakes, and # AKUBRK-7 are hydraulic drum brake assemblies that have a 5 bolt mounting flange blot pattern, fit 16-1/2" wheels and are rated for 7,000 lb axles. You would need brake adjustment spoon # W80630 as well as installation hardware # BRKH12, which is enough hardware to install a pair of brake assemblies.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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