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Using a Hitch Expander With the Darby Extend-A-Truck Kayak Carrier  


Darby Extend-A-Truck Kayak Carrier w/ Hitch Mounted Load Extender and Single-Bar Roof Rack Item # DTA944-968-924 I have a 1 1/4 inch trailer hitch. Will attaching a hitch expander work for me to use this for my vehicle?


Expert Reply:

Using a hitch expander like part # HTAD will let you use the Darby Extend-A-Truck carrier, however, depending on the specific vehicle you're using it on, it may not work. Using a hitch expander will reduce your overall tongue weight capacity by 50%. You will want to check the weight and tongue capacity of your vehicle and hitch, as this will be what is reduced when you equip the hitch expander.

This can quickly reduce your tongue weight to where it can't handle the 30 pound weight of the Extend-A-Truck and cause you to be unable to carry the kayak.

expert reply by:
Jacob W

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