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Best Air Spring Solution for 2015 Chevy Silverado 2500  


15 silverado 2500 diesel/crew. Hauling a fifth wheel camper, I would like to add air bags to help with ride quality and load.... Which air bag set up works best with the use of a fifth wheel hitch set up because of the added brackets etc on the frame...?


Expert Reply:

If your 2015 Chevy Silverado 2500 is a two or four wheel drive, I have the solution to improve your suspension. It will also help with the ride quality while hauling a fifth wheel camper and more.

The Firestone Ride-Rite Air Helper Springs Double Convoluted Rear Axle Item # F2709. It features a 7,500-lb capacity. Ride-Rite air springs enhance your factory suspension for safety and stability when you are hauling heavy loads. They reduce strain on your rear axle, keep your vehicle level, and adjust to load size for a consistently smooth ride. It has more than enough capacity to handle the fifth hitch with the added brackets on the frame.

There is no drilling required for installation, it's compatible with in-bed hitch, and can be used for vehicles with or without factory top overload springs.

The Firestone Air Command I # F2158 features, air spring pressure control kit with electric, single-gauge control, it allows you to control air pressure levels from vehicle cab. Your able to operate you air bags with a single switch. All you do is, push switch up to inflate air springs or push switch down to deflate air springs.

I have videos and help guides attached to this article.

expert reply by:
Timothy G

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