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Recommended 5th Wheel Bed Rails and Compatibility with Plastic Bed Liner in 2015 Ford F-350 6.5 ft  


Truck came with a plastic bed liner does the liner have to come out to put the fifth wheel hitch the truck is a 4 wheel drive desiel short bed club cab 2015 f350 the trailer is 14995 gvwr and 2496 hitch weight


Helpful Expert Reply:

For your 2015 Ford F-350, I recommend the Reese Quick-Install Custom Base Rails and Outboard Installation Kit for 5th Wheel Trailer Hitches # RP56016-53. These outboard rails make it far easier to install the rails and also give you additional 3/4 inch height which helps with the taller bed rails. You will need to trim the bed liner for the 5th wheel rails. I've attached a video to assist.

I also recommend using a sliding hitch for your short bed truck. For a manual sliding option, I recommend the Curt A16 5th Wheel Trailer Hitch w/ R16 Slider - Dual Jaw - 16,000 lbs # C16521. The jaw design, connection indicator, and round tubes make this hitch a favorite for ease of use.

For an autosliding option that will allow you to say in the comfort of your truck cab when maneuvering, I recommend the Demco Hijacker Autoslide 5th Wheel Trailer Hitch w/ Slider # DM8550034. This is a very convenient hitch that allows you to have turning clearance as it automatically adjusts as you turn.

You also may want to consider adding a wiring connection to the bed of your truck for easier access and cleaner connection using # 50-97-410.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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