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Clearing the Tailgate of a Ram 1500 with the Kuat Pivot Hitch Extender  


Hi, will the Kuat Pivot Swing Away Hitch Extender for Bike Racks - 2inch Hitches move a bike rack sufficiently over to clear a RAM 1500 pickup truck tailgate?


Expert Reply:

The Kuat Pivot, part # PVP20B will swing the rack approximately 33-1/8 inches away from the vehicle, plus the distance of the rack's shank from the center of its hitch pin hole to the nearest part of the rack.

On a Ram 1500, this should clear the tailgate with most racks. For example, a 2018 is between 74 and 78 inches wide depending on trim, and assuming that the hitch is correctly installed in the center of the vehicle, you'll need to clear between 34 and 39 inches to use your tailgate fully.

Keep in mind that the Kuat Pivot was designed for Kuat racks like the Kuat NV 2.0, part # NV22G, and is compatible with other racks, but you'll need to check with your bike rack's manufacturer to see if using it voids your warranty.

expert reply by:
Jacob W

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