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Adding Electric Over Hydraulic Brakes to a 3-Axle Boat Trailer  


could you please tell me what you recommend to add electric over hydraulic for a tri-axel loadrite boat trailer12500GVWR. I need to get an idea of what all I would need to do this project. I will be pulling it with a ford F350 super duty. Also do I remove the surge brake on the tongue. Thanks!!


Expert Reply:

To switch your boat trailer from hydraulic drum brakes to electric over hydraulic disc brakes there are a few parts you will need.

You will need the EOH actuator itself. What I recommend is the Hydrastar Marine Electric Over Hydraulic Actuator with Breakaway and 7-Way RV Harness # HS381-9067. You will not have to replace the brake lines or the coupler. If you can lock out the coupler (keep it from actuating in and out) that would be ideal.

You will also need to have a brake controller in the Ford F-350 that is compatible with electric over hydraulic brakes. If you have the Ford factory brake controller check to see if it has an electric over hydraulic mode. If it does not then to use the factory controller you will also need adapter # HBA-CAM. If the truck does not have a brake controller I recommend the P2 # 90885. To determine which pigtail you will need to plug the controller into your truck I will need to know the year of your F-350.

That just leaves the brakes themselves. To determine which brake kits will fit I will need to know the inner and outer bearing numbers on your existing hubs as well as the bolt pattern for the wheels. I have included a link to our help article on adding electric over hydraulic brakes to a trailer for you to view.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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